Study check 2025
This week we will – in a separate email – send everybody living in a dorm room or youth accommodation in Sønderborg the study-check document.
Rightfully being allowed to live at one of the dormitories/youth accommodations in Sønderborg - you must be a student.
According to "bekendtgørelsen om almene ungdomsboliger" we must check at least once a year that all tenants study.
Therefore, we once a year email to all tenants at the dormitories and youth accommodations in Sønderborg and ask them to confirm that they are still studying.
All tenants must hand in documentation that they are studying!
You can either:
Fill in your part of the information and then bring the document to your educational institution – to be signed and stamped - before you email it to
Or you can:
Have your educational institution confirming below information via email to
- Your full name
- Dorm and room No.
- Start and end date of your study
- Confirming that you are actively studying
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact StudieBolig Syd.