New rules regarding moving out dates
From January 1, 2025 new rules apply regarding moving out date:
Last day of moving out from your accommodation when you have terminated your dorm room is the 1st or the 15th of a month.
This means that you must vacate min. 14 days before your termination date. You must have vacated and had the inspection in your dorm room min. 14 days before your termination date. If this date is during a weekend, the moving out inspection will be BEFORE the weekend (i.e. no later than Friday) so that we can prepare the room for the next tenant.
For instance if you terminate your tenancy lease contract to February 1, you must have vacated and had the moving out inspection with your janitor no later than January 15.
If you move internally from one dorm room to another, you must be aware of the fact, that you will have 1 month double rent, because you must terminate your present room to 1 month after the moving in date of your new room's contract start, i.e.: contract start of your new room is February 1, and therefore you must terminate your present room to March 1, and vacate and have inspection no later than February 15.
The notice period is indispensable and you must pay rent etc. during the whole notice period.